CheerTrouble1: Ms August’s Bake Cupcake

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Category: Bound Beauties, Great Rumps, School Time, Tasty Feet, Women As Food
Published: Posted on
Length: 12:25 Minutes
Download Price: 9.99 USD
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Ms. August is quite jealous that her freind, Cupcake Sinclair, has made the spot August wanted on the cheer squad. Ms. August plays nice, but then tricks her best freind. Ms. August seduces Cupcake, luring her into a false sense of security before striking…Ms. August has to get rid of her rival. So Ms. August plans on having Baked Cupcake for dinner. Cupcake wakes up in a PANIC and frantically struggles and begs, crying her eyes out as her calm ‘friend’ talks about how tasty Cupcake will be…and how nice it will be to take Cupcake’s spot on the team.

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