Venus happens to be in butcher school, being a cannibal. Elodie is summoned to be processed, reading her letter to Venus. Venus is still a student, but with the supervision of her instructor, Twistd’, she is allowed to process and cook her girlfriend as a final test. Elodie will be served to some very important people…but Venus will get a taste as well.
This is both exciting and a relief to the young lovers. Elodie is delighted that Venus will be the one to process her.
Elodie is stripped, inspected and shaved in front of the teacher, which makes her bashful but somehow excites her as the thought of being slaughtered by Venus fills her with lust. When the teacher leaves, Venus gives Elodie a sweet goodbye, even though she is not supposed to, brining her wet cunt filet to orgasm. After a last amorous embrace, Venus dispatches Elodie. Now she is cleaned out and readied to be roasted whole, her meat stuffed and seasoned. Venus lovingly prepares the meat of her girlfriend, a bit remorseful but also knowing how good she will taste. Elodie roasts in the oven, all her meat on display. Then she is served whole.