The story continues as Rae roasts away over the open fire. Buck has her trapped like a chicken on a rotisserie. She is also stuffed like a turkey until she orgasms, despite her fear. He does not plan on ending her here, though. How silly would that be? She will be properly dispatched and parted out. She will be turned into a variety of juicy and delicious cuts of meat to all be prepared in different ways at different times. Buck enjoys crisping his prey just slightly before he finally takes them home and does them in. Back at his lair, Buck has Rae on a table, where he appraises her various cuts one more time. She is slightly burnt but not gone. Now it is time to do the deed. Once the deed is done, Buck has made her his. It is no longer inappropriate to him to take her. He has proclaimed his true admiration and dedication to her. She is now truly his and he can have his way with her. After the honeymoon, Buck enjoys a sumptuous feast with and on his quiet bride. Women are so much better to Buck once the anxiety of dealing with their humanity is gone and he can truly enjoy them as meat.