In HD! It is the year 2065. A great war has destroyed the world. Only the strong and savage have survived. There is little food or water, but the bold and the ravenous thrive. One of these survivors is Jolene Hexx, a solitary one woman posse who has established her turf at a deserted ranch. when Crystal Clark, the last survivor of her tribe, stumbles on Jolene’s land begging for sustenance, she is obligated to follow this wild woman’s rules. And Jolene has a cruel streak, Crystal is obligated to become Jolene’s human stock. She is naked, vulnerable, and at Jolene’s mercy. Jolene, being a survivor, will us Crystal in every way that she can…for milk, pleasure, fun and even food. Crystal is tied up, tormented and terrorized. But if Crystal is good and useful, maybe she can remain Jolene’s pet.
Crystal Clark, Jolene Hexx