A fun, frivolous, holiday special from the depraved depths of the Delish universe! Busty, beautiful Terra Mizu woks for a special X-mas tree delivery service, delivering trees to families in a skimpy, charming get up and exhibiting a jiggle for tips. When Terra arrives at the Lockran’s residence, Tasia asks Terra to animate her juicy jugs for her, but fails to tip the girl. Terra asks for her tip, but the only way Tasia will give one to the girl is if Terra comes in and helps set up the tree. Terra does so begrudgingly and finds herself in a strange place being ogled by both Tasia and Liam Lockran. Suddenly Terra finds herself being wrapped like a present and placed under the tree! Tasia casually reveals that her and Liam are cannibals…much to Terra’s shock and horror. And it turns out that Terra will be a present for their neighbor, Kenna James. Kenna is overjoyed, being a cannibal too, and eagerly takes the curvy Terra home to prepare her for X-mas dinner. And of course, the Lockrans are invited to join in the feast once Terra is cooked.