Madison Lust is Nadia White’s cousin who is coming over for a holiday dinner. Nadia is not looking forward to seeing her picky, bitchy, finicky cousin. Her husband, Jason Michaels, reminds Nadia that Madison is family and that they have to be accommodating. Sure enough, when all the fake, catty niceties are out of the way, Madison is upset when Nadia announces that they are having turkey for dinner. Madison is still vegan and has specific dietary needs. She asks Nadia can make tofurkey for her. Nadia, who has now lost her patience, gets an idea. She convinces Madison that she has a new organic foot oil treatment that she wants to try on Madison’s feet. Madison takes the bait and before she knows it finds herself tied up and in a large pan, being basted toes-first as Nadia preps a real toe-furkey. Shy and reserved hubby finally gets into the spirit as well as they decide that the only good Madison is a cooked Madison.