A little POV adventure from the view of a gynophagia artist named Twistd’. Jolene and Twistd’ have been friends in vegan culinary school for two years. Jolene does not know about her friend’s secret name, or much about his life other than the fact that he is a good listener and a gentleman. One fateful Valentines day, Jolene accepts an invitation for a date with her sweet, quiet, and compassionate freind. Jolene is excited, because she has had a crush on her fellow student and now knows that he feels the same way about her. Little does this rights activist know that her sweet freind has a different way of expressing his love for beautiful, kind and pure women like herself. Little does Jolene know that her quiet and unsuspecting freind has a dark secret, and hides in plain site among a group that will keep him well hidden, and well fed, since he is surrounded by hopeful and delicious vegans like Jolene. Twistd’ makes Jolene feel at home and even offers a massage which, with a quick and loud SNAP of the wrists supplies an easy method to break her beautiful neck. Now his prey is a quiet piece of dispatched meat. Now he can savor her soft flesh and assess her charms as he prepares her for his own personal feast, slicing loudly through hunks of juicy flesh. Happy Valentines day. Be sure to check out Twistd’s amazing art at http://forbiddenfeast.com/